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These are simply unwanted wastes generated as a result of our normal daily activities.


They arise principally from -​


  • MSW (Or Household Wastes)

  • Agricultural Wastes - Farm to Fork 

  • Waste Water

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Household Waste

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The Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) sector is well established and very conservative in most countries.

It is mainly controlled and directed by Governmental regulations and policy, and as such MSW disposal is still mainly through landfill and some incineration.

Waste contracts for disposal also tend to be dominated by a few large waste contracting businesses, most of which started out as landfill businesses.


C-Tec can uniquely take unsegregated MSW. We can then recover the embedded energy using both AD and Pyrolysis (without incineration). 

We can also recover the recyclables and the nutrients, (in the organic fraction).

The net result is that MSW disposal to landfill can become as low as 6%, and this is inert.


C-Tec can process the MSW to ensure that the disposal authority can convert their waste into the optimum outputs and ensure lowest disposal costs. This also demonstrates they are committed to and promoting their ESC responsibilities.

Agricultural Waste


Many Farms use Anaerobic Digestion (AD) plants to treat their organic wastes as it is best suited to recovering the embedded energy from their wet organic wastes.

C-Tec can deliver this energy in the form of Power and Heat but can also offer additional outputs such as Biofuels and Fertilisers where the financial returns may be higher.


However, many farms (indeed all AD plants) are finding it increasingly difficult to dispose of their digestate (which is a good fertiliser/soil improver). This is because in many cases the AD operators don't have sufficient land for land spreading the digestate due to nutrient regulations. This is already restricting farm growth in livestock numbers, and/or even farm modifications.


C-Tec can treat the digestate to recover the nutrients in a concentrated form and leave the remaining liquid clean enough for disposal to drain. It is now financially viable for the concentrated nutrients to be sold and taken of the farm where the land base can’t handle such nutrient volumes.

Wastewater Sludges


The Wastewater sector just like the MSW sector, is also very conservative.

Nevertheless, Anaerobic Digestion is now widely deployed in Western Countries to capture the Energy from this feedstock.


However, the resulting digestate, as in agriculture, is still not being treated to recover the embedded nutrients.


This is an opportunity that C-Tec can exploit by recovering the valuable nutrients as well as the energy. We will deploy the same technology, as we would use in agriculture, to recover the valuable Energy and also the Nutrients in the most efficient ways.

Forest Waste

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Forestry Waste (often called brash) is a very large relatively untapped resource.

It is often simply burned on site to get rid of.


Small quantities of this waste are increasing being used to produce Biochar.


Using pyrolysis as the energy converter C-Tec can convert this waste to Biochar at scale, but also produce Power and Heat, or even Hydrogen which in some markets will generate a higher cash flow.

This process is carbon negative, meeting all environmental regulations and guidelines.


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Many hotel resorts are built in tropical locations, where there is limited infrastructure to properly manage the waste being generated by their facility, and where access to reliable power is typically not reliable. 


​However, the composition of wastes from such hotel resorts is similar to household wastes and wastewater.

C-Tec can uniquely utilise these resort wastes as feedstocks to give them back renewable Energy, plus Heating, or Chilling, for example air conditioning.


The remaining outputs are Recyclables, Water, and perhaps a small amount of Landfill.


This treatment principle will also hold true for island communities where similar problems arise due to a lack of infrastructure.

Food Industry

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We treat food waste from each stage of the food supply chain in a similar way to agricultural wastes.


When there is food packaging involved, we firstly use Waste Separation plant to separate the (Organic) food waste from any packaging.


The organics then goes to the AD, and the packaging (after removing any recyclables) can go to Pyrolysis.


Here again we can produce Energy (or Hydrogen), and the by-product from either output is Biochar.

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17 Clarendon Rd, 

Clarendon Dock

Co. Antrim

Belfast BT1 3BG


© 2023 Carbon Technologies Group Ltd.

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